August 21, 2011

Somewhere Over the Rainbow... I love this version

In an attempt to cheer up a sulky 11-year-old my husband was playing all sorts of "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and other uber happy songs.  He came along this version which neither of us had ever heard.  I instantly fell in love.  I love the music, his voice, his smile.  And I cried to watch the end of the video, the celebration of his life instead of the sorrow from his death. 

1 comment:

  1. 1. How perfect is it that I read this with Wizard of Oz playing across the room from me?
    2. I LOVE this version! It's been a favorite for years. Have you heard the one he did with this song blended with What a Wonderful World? It's a well-loved addition to my ipod.
