December 9, 2010

I walked a mile in a long skirt

I did.  And it felt great.  And a little weird.  I went swish, swish, swish the entire time.

So, you should know two things.  First, I've been wearing more skirts lately (don’t laugh, mom).  Like several times a week.  I thought I'd hate it but I actually love it.  Wearing a skirt makes me feel pretty and  homemakey  .  The big kicker for me is NOT to wear pantyhose with them.  I reserve pantyhose for special occasions like weddings and church.  For daily kicking it with my kiddos, it's just a long skirt and bare feet.  Ah, the freedom!

Second, I'm walking every day.  Winter has settled upon us here in West Texas.  Today it is in the high 50s/low 60s - we wore t-shirts to the park.  About halfway through our school day I send all my kids to the park to play and I walk around the neighborhood so I can still see them.  I walk around and around and around.  Then around some more.

The neighbors probably think I'm crazy, but at least I'm doing something healthy!  I've been doing a little over a mile each day, for the last 5 days.  Dragging my little mutt behind me.  Seriously, he’s so out of shape….worse than me!

And today I was wearing an ankle-length denim skirt with black tennis shoes.  Perhaps not my most lovely fashion statement, but I've proved to myself that I can exercise anywhere, anytime.  It doesn't matter if I don't have the right clothes or "enough time".  Excuses are no longer valid.  Well, at least for now.

My boys love being able to play outside for long hours everyday without frying to a crisp.  I love the fresh air and bright blue skies.  We all feel happier, calmer and sleep better at night.

I love Texas in the winter!


  1. I would love Texas in winter too. I can only wear skirts in the summer since right now we have over 2 feet of snow in places and more in the forecast. I'm trying to get over the can't exercise in winter excuse but so far I am having no luck. Too much ice and slush outdoors...too small of a house to exercise indoors...too little money to join the gym.

    Good for you for getting out walking even in a skirt. I was thinking about walking the other day and my thoughts went to Elizabeth Bennett and how in Jane Austen's world, the healthy girls always walked outdoors. I'm trying to get over my Canadian winter excuses...

  2. I love skirts... I should wear mine more often.

  3. That's great that you're walking so much! Doesn't it give your mood a major lift?

    The skirt thing reminds me of when I went through a skirt phase like three or four years ago. I loved it and I felt sassy and feminine. Plus a knee-length skirt feels wonderful in the summer. I need to wear skirts more again.

    PS I'm jealous of your winters!!!!!!!!

  4. I was just discussing with my daughter yesterday that wearing dresses and skirts more would change a lazy attitude. My 5 year old tried on this play dress and just seeing her in it made me think how it is so feminine to wear such things. I normally wear sweats and such around. Taking care of your appearance and health is such a lift. I had that discussion and then didn't think of it again...until this post. I need to take care of me again...and be an example to my daughters. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love long skirts too. I don't wear them so much in the winter (but I should), however, when summer comes I am always in a long cotton skirt and flip flops (except church, I don't wear flip flops to church!). I think you can do just as much in a long skirt as in pants anyday and I think they are much cooler in the summer.

  6. You must share pics of your skirts! I am so jealous!

  7. Okay, you answered my previous question: bare feet and black tennies. That probably won't do with our foot of snow right now. Maybe I'll just wear my snow boots. Then I would look really styling.

    I like how you said you feel pretty and homemakey. I made myself a very feminine apron several week ago. Whenever I wear it I feel the same way. Like I'm finally getting closer to truly embracing my role.

    Funny (not really) how that works.

    I just never pictured me sewing, wearing aprons, skirts, making bread, home schooling, etc. But it just all really fits.

  8. Yes, we're in West Texas. The Panhandle, actually. Where are you??
