October 1, 2010

Cheers, and prayers, for my mom

Today, Friday, my mom is defending her Master's thesis before a panel of professors.  She'll be able to revise it one more time and then SHE IS DONE!!!!!!  It's taken my mom a bazillion years to finish school.  Okay, not quite a bazillion, but close.  I think almost 20????  She's had to work full time while going to school and care for her family and serve in her church.  It's been a hard load.  But she did it and she didn't go crazy like we thought she would.  She even made the Honor Roll every semester.

So, today, I'm praying for my mom that all will go well with her professors.  And I'm so grateful she's finally done.

While I wish the road had been easier for her, and that she hadn't had to do so much, I'm proud of her for doing what she had to do, and doing it with dignity and quiet grace.

I love you mom.  Congratulations!!!!!  Now go get some sleep.


  1. what an amazing accomplishment!!!!

  2. That is awesome! I love it when our own moms are great educational role models for us :)
